View Full Version : New (?) Idea: Customizable Smiley Palette

12-31-2004, 03:32 AM
It occurred to me not too long ago that it might be a good idea if the forum software would be customizable enough that each person could pick up to 21 or so smileys to be their basic smiley palette (ie instead of the default smilies that you see to the right of the reply text field, you could customize 'em).

What do you guys think? Is it feasable?

livius drusus
12-31-2004, 03:37 AM
Holy crap. I actually asked Joe to look into scaring up something just like that yesterday. He hasn't been on yet to confirm or deny, but if it's at all possible we'll definitely implement it, Goliath. :)

12-31-2004, 03:41 AM
Holy crap. I actually asked Joe to look into scaring up something just like that yesterday. He hasn't been on yet to confirm or deny, but if it's at all possible we'll definitely implement it, Goliath. :)

Ah ha! I always knew I was told I was psychic! :magic:

Er, wait...nevermind...that was psychotic.

Crazy? I was crazy once!
They put me away.
They put me in a little room.
The worms were there.
The worms drove me crazy.

Crazy? I was crazy once!
They put me away.
They put me in a little room.
The worms were there.
The worms drove me crazy.

Crazy? I was crazy once....


01-01-2005, 10:19 AM
Akchly, liv asked about this quite a while ago. (And yes, brought it up again yesterday.)

'Course it's feasible! :brain: :writing:

livius drusus
01-01-2005, 01:03 PM