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viscousmemories 06-29-2009 01:19 PM

What's up with you?
This is the thread for "Member News" that isn't really newsworthy.

My last few weeks in a nutshell: In addition to working full-time and taking Algebra and Java through UoP online, I also began the "Body-for-life" program, closed on a house and crashed my car.

What's up with you?

SharonDee 06-29-2009 01:21 PM

Re: What's up with you?
Crashed your car?! Wha' hoppen?

As for me, lessee ... Also taking Java, saw my daughter's friend get married, am fighting with my garbage service about payment I KNOW they received, still trying to find someone to get the dent out of my bumper.

Oh, and farting around here instead of getting ready for work.

viscousmemories 06-29-2009 01:27 PM

Re: What's up with you?
I was behind another car at a yield sign, waiting to turn right. Somehow I came to believe she had already gone, so when an opening appeared I went too. Unfortunately, she hadn't actually moved. Just a fender bender, but enough to send us both to the body shop and give me a $167 ticket for "failure to maintain a clear assured distance". Funny thing is I had just switched insurance companies the week prior. I bet State Farm is excited to have me.

Here's the scene of the crime. I was turning right on Lamar from Parmer.

Ensign Steve 06-29-2009 04:03 PM

Re: What's up with you?
I start my new job on Wednesday. I'm going to join the university gym and hire a trainer. I am so fat right now!

We had a yard sale both days this weekend to raise money for a big 4th of July blowout, and I got a real bad sunburn.

I'm finished painting my bathroom, but I need to hang a towel bar before I take the after pictures.

Sock Puppet 06-29-2009 05:23 PM

Re: What's up with you?
The wife bought the Li'l Puppet a guitar. An electric guitar. And an amp.

She's 5.

But she seems thrilled about it, and listened well at her first lesson, so what the hell. Could be worse. Could be drums.

Miisa 06-29-2009 05:24 PM

Re: What's up with you?
Had my divorce finalized a couple of weeks ago.

Managed to screw up at work today, but I think the damage is minimal. I have two days off now anyway, hoping the fuss will be gone by Thursday.

Got a second-hand bicycle on Saturday and yesterday biked 20 Km.

Watser? 06-29-2009 07:36 PM

Re: What's up with you?
Mostly working lately, finally moved on to bigger, better paid projects. Made about 3 times my usual amount of money this month and looks like this month will be 4 times my usual. And I think I will get more of this in the future.

Disadvantage is that actual payment will take some time probably. Which is especially a problem the first time of course.

Leesifer 06-29-2009 07:45 PM

Re: What's up with you?
I've got the week off work for generally fucking about - gardening, cleaning, shopping and lunching with friends I've been neglecting of late.

Pinecone 06-29-2009 08:12 PM

Re: What's up with you?
Got about 80% of the addition done. Still have one floor and three doors to install in the basement and the upstairs old bathroom to remodel since it was trashed putting a hallway through it to the addition.

Was in Milwaukee last week for a check-up on my auto-immune thing. The doctor was very impressed with how well I was doing but sent me to have a blood test to check on whatever it is they find out from those things. VRichards was closing!! I blame Scarlatti!! :shakefist:

Caligulette 06-29-2009 08:40 PM

Re: What's up with you?
I am sickish again - low grade fever blah blah blah.

I am also really interested in the print on demand thing - especially now that I know that Jason Epstein is involved - he's been in books for more than 50 years. I love him. A lot of my time of late is spent in thinking about the future of the book itself - and how they will be made and distributed. It is an interesting time.

What I would like to do is start my own business, but I have to see how a few things sort out first.

MonCapitan2002 06-29-2009 08:49 PM

Re: What's up with you?
I have a week off work which is awesome. I intend to spend it relaxing and loafing around.

Ymir's blood 06-30-2009 12:22 AM

Re: What's up with you?
I am emotionally unsettled from the events of the spring and to a lesser degree some recent things. Those being my brother's car being stolen, the plumbing screwing up (mostly fixed today) and needing to get a window motor fixed on my car.

Fencesitter 06-30-2009 01:16 AM

Re: What's up with you?
I've been reading the FF. Hi people! :wave:

Dingfod 06-30-2009 01:20 AM

Re: What's up with you?
Nothing has changed for me, I still hate my job, I hate summer, my adult children and grandson still live with me, my house needs repairs I cannot afford, my car needs repairs I cannot afford, my motorcycle needs repairs I cannot afford, my weedeaters won't run, neither will the lawnmower, one daughter's Saturn has a tranmission going bad, one daughter's Lexus crapped out and is parked in the weeds by the driveway so she is driving my car, wasps keep trying to inhabit a crack between the front room roof and the garage wall right by the front door, someone left the refrigerator door open ruining all the food inside, reverse osmosis water filter needs new filter elements that I can't afford, the electric service to the shop building is still out and has been since the ice storm in December 2007 because I can't afford to pay a licensed electrician to fix it, there are holes in the fence that I need to tear down and replace with the white tape electrical fence we already bought, my feet hurt, and I just don't have the energy or the gumption to do anything but the minimum I need to do to get by.

Garnet 06-30-2009 01:39 AM

Re: What's up with you?
I busy as hell at work finishing up a design that I've been working on for a almost a year. I should be completely done with it by the end of July. Then on to the next project...

I'm trying to buy a house. I'm trying not to get anxiety ridden and/or depressed about the whole thing. (I'm not doing very good at that last part.)

I can almost, almost walk normally now since I had knee surgery in April. Not for very far, or for very long, but it is still a huge improvement.

trientalis 06-30-2009 01:48 AM

Re: What's up with you?
My son is in a half-day camp and is really enjoying it.

I'm mourning one dog.

I'm trying to get some badly needed dentistry for the other dog. We went in today for the cleaning and extraction and the vet dentist wanted x-rays to make sure his heart and lungs were healthy enough to handle the anesthetic (Derby has a heart murmur). The x-ray revealed enlargement in his ventricles but fortunately no fluid in the lungs. Dental work is postponed until we get an echocardiogram, which will be next week.

This week we sign the papers for a 30 year fixed mortgage (we're refinancing).

Moles have taken over the lawn but the Heritage rosebush is blooming like crazy.

Life goes on.

Qingdai 06-30-2009 02:43 AM

Re: What's up with you?
One term of school is over, and for some reason I keep getting word that if we don't turn our timesheets in by some date, we won't get paid for work done, because they are going to close the books as it's the end of the fiscal year. I am thinking "lawyer" if they try that bullshit.

I am re-thinking work. Either I'm quitting private practice and doing volunteer work or health research. I have an interview for the latter Thursday. I don't know if I want to work full time plus and quit 4 of my 5 jobs or hang on and quit two of them in December.

The child is in preschool three days a week.

Naru 06-30-2009 02:56 AM

Re: What's up with you?
I spend 2 1/2 days a week working as a veterinary technician and 3 1/2 days a week doing undergrad research in molecular biology. I spend all of my free time here, playing Halo 3, or reading stuff related to one of my jobs. My summer is way way busier than my semesters.

Deadlokd 06-30-2009 04:00 AM

Re: What's up with you?
All five kids are home for the school holidays and Count is on placement so I'm pretty much the sole carer. Someone shoot me.

Jesuis fucking Christ someone shoot me. I'm sick of mediating between half assed fucking disputes. I am not the final/first authority on your possessions. They're your fucking clothes. You look after them. I wash them and give them to you. What you do after that is your fucking fault.

When you are cleaning your fucking room make sure it is clean before you come and tell me you're done. No, that pile of fucking orange peel in the middle of your carpet is not clean. Yes, you have to clean under your bed. Yes, you have to at least try to put your clothes away neatly. No, leaving old lunches in your school bag is not okay. No, I'm fucking well not going to clean your festy bag out for you.

Stop picking on your brother.

Stop picking on your sister. Yes you were. I heard you. Stop that passive-aggressive shit too.

Stop dropping your fucking food on the couch! How many times have we told you not to eat in here? Rotten sandwiches in the bin in your room does not impart a 'fine' fragrance.

Shoot me.

Deadlokd 06-30-2009 04:01 AM

Re: What's up with you?
:manhug: Ding.

Sauron 06-30-2009 04:29 AM

Re: What's up with you?

Originally Posted by viscousmemories (Post 723415)
Here's the scene of the crime. I was turning right on Lamar from Parmer.

What an ugly desolate landscape.

Do you live in....oh, I don't know.........Uzbekistan?:wave:

Sauron 06-30-2009 04:31 AM

Re: What's up with you?
Oh, lord.....

1. Consulting gig ended in April.

2. Doing school this summer - (1) Managerial Accounting and (2) Internet Technologies for Business. If I survive the 1st one, the 2nd one will be cake.

3. Wondering when the job market will pick up.......sigh

freemonkey 06-30-2009 04:58 AM

Re: What's up with you?
Laying low, work-wise. It's been real slow. I'm trying to get organized, I have about a bajillion CD's and DVD's with client files on them. I am afraid to throw anything out, because that one disk will be the one with something that the client I haven't heard from in 8 years will need next week.

Every few days Bridget horks up a monster hairball, preceded by her last two meals and a pint of water.

Having a big dangerous tree removed on Wednesday. Expensive!! I also need some pines and cedars limbed up, but I also need new gutters, so I've borrowed a saw on a stick and a rope chain and will try to do it myself, a couple limbs a day until I'm done. Check in on me now & then, will ya?

I think I saw termites in a tree out front and I'm worried about that.

Deadlokd 06-30-2009 05:10 AM

Re: What's up with you?

Originally Posted by freemonkey (Post 723770)

Having a big dangerous tree removed on Wednesday. Expensive!! I also need some pines and cedars limbed up, but I also need new gutters, so I've borrowed a saw on a stick and a rope chain and will try to do it myself, a couple limbs a day until I'm done. Check in on me now & then, will ya?

Keep in mind you only have four limbs. Unless you're from Alabama.

BigBlue2 06-30-2009 05:34 AM

Re: What's up with you?

Originally Posted by Deadlokd (Post 723744)
All five kids are home for the school holidays and Count is on placement so I'm pretty much the sole carer. Someone shoot me.

Jesuis fucking Christ someone shoot me. I'm sick of mediating between half assed fucking disputes. I am not the final/first authority on your possessions. They're your fucking clothes. You look after them. I wash them and give them to you. What you do after that is your fucking fault.

When you are cleaning your fucking room make sure it is clean before you come and tell me you're done. No, that pile of fucking orange peel in the middle of your carpet is not clean. Yes, you have to clean under your bed. Yes, you have to at least try to put your clothes away neatly. No, leaving old lunches in your school bag is not okay. No, I'm fucking well not going to clean your festy bag out for you.

Stop picking on your brother.

Stop picking on your sister. Yes you were. I heard you. Stop that passive-aggressive shit too.

Stop dropping your fucking food on the couch! How many times have we told you not to eat in here? Rotten sandwiches in the bin in your room does not impart a 'fine' fragrance.

Shoot me.

You know, 2 kids are sufficient to replace you and Count. Give the rest away to people who can't have kids of their own. They can raise them as their replacements.

Just a thought.

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