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Old 07-28-2004, 02:31 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Default Re: What's for Dinner?

Originally Posted by lisarea
The fruit gazpacho sounds great. I'd try it, even, if I had apple juice, but I cannot make myself go to the store even one more time. Serious. I am dying from store-going.The fruit's doing a good job of getting et up so far, so I probably won't have to try anything too fancy, but I may do a fruit salad if it comes to that (which I make basically the same way, even including the pepper, but with yogurt instead of juice, plus honey and lemon).
I wouldn't hork that up into my napkin, I'll tell you that much. Slide a cinnamon stick in there for me and we'll call it a deal.

liv, does cilantro taste like soap to you? I've heard people say that, but I don't taste it. What about coconut? It seems like I must be missing my soap-tasting organs, because the only thing that tastes like soap to me is soap.

Or am I misremembering the objection to cilantro?
It tastes like lemon dishwashing detergent. Is that the soap taste? Because the lemon thing is definitely prevalent. I love coconuts, btw, but I hate coconut milk. No soap issues there, though; I just think it's gross.

Last edited by livius drusus; 07-28-2004 at 03:09 AM.
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