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Old 01-09-2005, 07:41 PM
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Default Re: Nihilism vs. Existentialism

Originally Posted by Ymir's blood
Wikipedia has an interesting article on Nihilism "Nihilism is often described as a belief in the nonexistence of truth"
Hey, I was just reading that article yesterday.

When I was about 23 I was having a discussion with some philosophy grad student from U of M*, and he told me my views struck him as nihilistic. Ever since then I've used the word (among others) to characterize my philosophy, but it didn't even occur to me how many different possible meanings that can have depending on the context. So now my working definition isn't working.

I don't know much about existentialism either, besides having read some authors who are frequently described as existentialists - like Camus, Sartre, Dostoevsky, etc. - when I was in my early 20's.

* As soon as I wrote that I remembered that this dude's cat died at some point, and it made him so sad that he put it in his backpack and carried it around with him for several days. :eek: So all I can say is it's quite possible that he had a dead cat in his knapsack while we discussed nihilism.
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