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Old 01-15-2018, 05:13 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
Hmmm - here we seem to be faced with 2 different perspectives on buttsecks in the new world. On the one hand, we have the Authentic Text, which states quite clearly that non-procreative and protected sex is a non-derogatory perversion... although this seems to be stated only in the context of a first date.

Then Peacegirl tells us that, once sex-married, no holds are barred and everything goes unless it hurts the other person. Although, probably, if you object to anything, that just means you are suffering from psychological impediments: after all, if you properly understood the relations you would get hot enough to find anything enjoyable. Most of the hurt is in your head, we are told, even if it seems to be located elsewhere at a particular moment.

Far from an injunction against a bit of rectal spelunking, then, this seems to gently chide those that would withhold the rearmost favors. In 100% of the cases when a couple get hot enough and all impediments have been removed, the great heat of their passion will make everything they do enjoyable, after all.

We know that when people stop projecting words and realize will is not free, and simply let themselves fall in love with the sexual organs of the first person they have sex with, their passion will only grow, and these psychological impediments will fall by the wayside quicker than an environmental homo-sexual that can finally get a sex-date on fridays.

If Peacegirls text is actually canonical, then this constitutes no buttsecks injunction at all. Rather, any man who decides to experiment with some forced rough bondage-and-buttsecks combination and finds that his wife attempts to brook some opposition can come to the conclusion that she has not quite understood the undeniable and mathematical relations - if she had, she would be getting hot enough to enjoy it! Clearly, she should to go back an re-read some of the earlier chapters of the books.

Surprise buttsecks, then, is not only perfectly fine: it can actually be used as a test of your partners ideological commitment to the new world. A way to see if she has managed to get the bit between her teeth, philosophically speaking, and has fully embraced the undeniable and mathematical truth that is as true as the fact that 2 is to 4 what 3 is to 6.
It's actually humorous to see how you feed off of each other and twist every single word he has written by turning it into something that has no resemblance to what the new world will look like. Interpreting pregnancy as blameful is insane. Removing psychological impediments (which women had in the early days of the 60s when this book was written) will allow people to have a healthy sex life where most sexual acts will be pleasurable. If something does not feel good, it won't be performed. It's very easy to take any principle too far and make it look ridiculous, if that is your goal. You all pick on him relentlessly, and for no reason other than you don't like his claims. The fact that man's will is not free is undeniable, scientific, and mathematical. All he has done is extended this factual knowledge into different areas of human relation to show how these principles work. Remember, once you become a citizen you can do anything you want without anyone on your back. Where dating is concerned, you can hurt a girl by exploiting her and leaving. No one is going to be criticizing your actions. If you can do this knowing you would be hurting this girl, and also knowing in advance there would be no blame forthcoming from her or from anyone else, then this would be a perfect environment to take advantage of this knowledge. It would be proof that the principles don't work. But you can't prove that these principles don't work, in spite of all your contestation.

"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill

Last edited by peacegirl; 01-15-2018 at 05:36 PM.
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