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Old 03-15-2011, 11:18 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by wildernesse View Post
You still haven't actually shared the book or the ideas within it. I'm not going to click any links that posters haven't bothered to blurb out enough for me to pique my interest.

Heck, I don't read most links or play most videos, even from people whose interactions I believe are sincere and who I respect their contributions.

So. What is so revolutionary about this thought?
What is so revolutionary is the fact that this law of our nature (emphasis added)
What law of our nature?

has the power to prevent war, crime, and hatred between men when applied on a global scale.
Originally Posted by wildernesse
Yeah, but what about the wimmins?
Sorry if I'm not always politically correct. :chin:

I know this sounds crazy, but it's true.
Originally Posted by wildernesse
WHAT sounds crazy? What war, crime, or hatred has it prevented to date?
None, because this discovery has not been studied by scientists that could confirm its validity.

This author made this discovery back in 1959 and it took him years to understand the significance and magnitude of what he had uncovered.
Originally Posted by wildernesse
What author? What significance? What magnitude?
Lessans is the author. The significance and magnitude of what this law of our nature is able to accomplish once it becomes a permanent condition of the environment.

First, it is imperative that you understand why man's will is not free, according to the author.
Originally Posted by wildernesse
So, why is man's will not free?
That's why you need to read pages 46-58. He spells it out very clearly. Once you read this, I can answer you in a way that will hopefully make sense.

Secondly, you will need to understand the other principle that leads to the core of his discovery.
Originally Posted by wilderness
What other principle?
That nothing can make man do anything against his will. Most people think that this is what gives man free will, but that is false.

Originally Posted by wildernesse
Here is something that might help you when you are talking to people:

noun di-ˈtāl, ˈdē-ˌtāl
Definition of DETAIL
: extended treatment of or attention to particular items
I'm not going to read the book or click the link (thanks, LS). You can either show your work or go away. Or you can stay and be vague. Whatever. I'm here because I am interested in discussions with some other posters. If I wanted to read books or articles, listen to music, or watch videos, I would go to sites about that. Bring your discussion here.

This vagueness is not increasing my interest in this idea. It is annoying.
I have been there and done that, and I cannot discuss the principles of this book without an underlying understanding of what he means by certain terms. It is exhausting to paraphrase what he very succinctly explained. It's up to you if you want to read the book. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't him drink.
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