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Old 11-05-2017, 09:28 PM
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slimshady2357 slimshady2357 is offline
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Default Re: Coulson Watches You While You Sleep

Other that the first trailer, I was pretty much unspoilered going into this movie. I agree with both of you that it was a fun movie and worth a watch, though I can't say it's something I would have paid for in retrospect. So if you want to save money, it's probably worth waiting until you can see it for free.

small spoiler ahead......

Did either of you spot who was playing Loki in the play? Or Thor? Or Odin? I recognised the first, suspected the second and had no idea of the third. As I said, I was mostly unspoilered, so I have no idea if it was common knowledge or not. When I saw play-Loki I whispered to Sou "is that xxxxx?" But she didnt hear what I said. Had to look it up afterwards to confirm. Play-Thor was such a close match I thought it must have been one of them.

I liked that they gave a nod to Beta Ray Bill as well, very cool.
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Thanks, from:
BrotherMan (11-05-2017), The Lone Ranger (11-05-2017)
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