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Old 07-23-2004, 03:40 AM
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Default Re: What's for Dinner?

Originally Posted by Goliath
(I like my steak medium rare).
Well, the center of the damn steak was red and still luke warm... :( Soooo...back on the GF grill it went.

I can't even cook meat right on my first try.
Hold on...
It sounds to me like you cooked it perfectly the first try! I always thought the definition of "medium rare" is warm red center?

Now you've got me wondering if I'm all washed up... what is medium rare and/or how do you like your steaks?

Oh and to get back on topic:
Dinner tonight was some chicken noodle soup I made this morning 'cuz my stomach has been acting up lately and had some rave or other wild party all night for no apparent reason.

chicken noodle soup ad hoc style:
pot of boiling water
some chicken buillion
1 onion cut in quarters
frozen corn
frozen peas
egg noodles

boil some more

add cooked chicken pieces (packaged from Trader Joe's)
can of unsalted tomato chunks
chinese snow peas

(yes, I would have had wildly different ingredients had I had anything else chicken soup appropriate in the house -- like carrots, there should be carrots!)

It tasted pretty good. :)
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