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Old 07-23-2004, 07:05 PM
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Larry Larry is offline
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Default Re: why fiction scares me

I have just infected a person with wrong information and I didn't even intend to do it. Had I known the information was incorrect I wouldn't have done it. It's like I am a non symptomatic carrier of an infectious disease and I am spreading it to everyone I come in contact with.
I think the only thing you can do is continue on until you come across someone who has the cure (correct facts). However, if having come across the cure for being infected with false facts, you don't wish to take your "medicine" (like a good little boy) then you have an even worse disease.

No one, afaik, knows everything correctly about everything. Even the specialists, in a particular field of expertise. don't always have their facts straight. It's a condition of the mind that we all learn to live with without much thought. Not a major stumbling block in being able to function (live life), unless you think about it way too much.

Larry :)
"He who is unable to live in society or who has no need, because he is sufficient for himself, must either be a beast or a god." Aristotle
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