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Old 09-14-2017, 02:33 AM
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ZEZOZE ZEZOZE is offline
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Default Re: Is it OK to punch a Nazi in the head?

i think Rex is right about the reality of the threat Nazis pose to America. to me it seems the left just uses broad strokes to paint anyone exceedingly conservative to be a racist nazi. this justifies the actions of the left to effectively put the boot down and get away with it.

that said, i am no fan of nazi assholes. that is a very obvious thing to be against.

but to be against anything on the left just makes you an ally of nazis.

it's genius, but then that's the left.

the way i see it, both extremes would prefer a world without the other side, regardless of any politics or philosophy. one group of people wishes to see another group of people cease to be. anything beyond that is a distraction to the fact.

so, am i high?

totally possible.

also possible i'm not.

whatever the case i am better than you. nana-nana nana-nana boo-boo. stick your head in doo-doo.
paranoid fringe dweller
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