Thread: Miscellany
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Old 10-17-2006, 02:13 AM
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Default Re: Miscellany

Originally Posted by lisarea
Some workmen have the street all tore up and they said they're turning off the water from 9 to 3 to finish fixing something, but I don't believe that 3 thing. That kind of thing never comes true.
Did they say what day the 3 fell on?

During an urban widening project years ago, I was the inspector for a water/sewer contractor. They had to shut the water off to an office building for several hours to complete a connection. It didn't go well and the work had to be redone several times, leading to a lot of frustrated people.

That afternoon, the office manager came out several time demanding to know when she would be able to make coffee. Finally, one of the contractor's workmen, a 300+ lb man holding a large pipe wrench, snarled that it would be on when she 'saw water coming out of the tap.' She went back inside and never said another word.
Much of MADNESS, and more of SIN, and HORROR the soul of the plot.
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