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Old 02-28-2018, 11:28 PM
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Default Re: Well, is has been fun ...

When I did my military service I was sent to another hospital several hours away by train because there was allegedly a problem with a chest x-ray or something. I don't know.

When I got there, I had to wait for another hour and when it was my turn, the doctor came and told me there was nothing wrong (I was still sitting in the waiting room), I had to wait some more, and then he gave me a medical report letter.

I took the train back to the unit to report back to someone who didn't really care after everyone was off for the weekend, by that time it was early evening. Six or seven hours off my weekend doesn't seem like a big deal but it is when you're basically locked up for the rest of the week. Couldn't they have given me a two minute mock exam so I wouldn't feel like an idiot?
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Thanks, from:
slimshady2357 (03-01-2018), SR71 (03-02-2018), The Lone Ranger (02-28-2018), The Man (03-01-2018)
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