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Old 11-08-2019, 05:59 PM
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Default Re: Talk to Transformer

Originally Posted by Ari View Post
Real human speaking now:
Having already seen one gizmodo article dismissing this as dumb, anyone who understands should be freaking out a bit. In short, we’re probably a good decade or so closer to a machine beating the Turning test than we expected, and it’s going to be a good lot dumber than we expected as well, and that’s worrisome.

Well, the example with the unicorn herd has passed my Turing test. I would have said before I read the background that there is no way in hell that this was created by an algorithm.

If you play with it enough, you start to see that it’s not an intelligence but a mimic, it’s taking your input, tossing them through a network the mimics how humans write articles and spitting out a prediction based on the structure of linguistic data that it’s been shown, and this shows the structure to be much more fine, detailed and predictable than we thought.

Whether it's intelligent is (as the whole "AI" thing in my view) extremely ill-defined. It has an ability to generalize that's way beyond anything I've seen before in that area. Then there's emergent behaviour like the kind of memory and how it keeps track of context that hasn't been deliberately programmed into it from what I read about the system.
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