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Old 07-19-2019, 10:51 PM
Wael El-Manzalawy Wael El-Manzalawy is offline
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Default The Armed Islamic Groups

How did the activities of the armed Islamic groups develop? We are sometimes involved in the current situation and the bloody scene without trying to analyse the facts. So, we can see the top of the ice mountain only without seeing the hidden enormous part of the ice mountain. We see the surface of the phenomenon without seeing its depth.The early armed activity of the Islamic groups was classified as wars against the colonization and with the Arab armies in 1948 war against Israel. What caused the shift in the armed activities of the Islamic groups? Why do the armed Islamic groups no longer differentiate between military targets and civil targets? Why do the armed Islamic groups consider the citizens of many countries as targets?

The Western media, in a certain period, concentrated on the dictatorship of the Soviet Union because it was the first enemy and neglected the dictatorship of some Arab and Muslim countries. So, dictatorship flourished in these countries. Torturing the Islamic activists in the prisons of these countries led to a hell for many countries all over the world. Do you know that the Caliph of ISIS was a moderate Islamic activist but torturing him in the prison pushed him to change completely and be the bloody monster you see on TV? When the dictators deprive some activists of all their human rights and the national society and the international society neglect their suffering and even give financial and military aids to the dictators, those activists find that converting into armed groups is their only solution. We can see that the terrorism is increasing: there were some armed groups but the appearance of Al-Qaida was unexpected. Many thinkers thought that Al-Qaida attacks are the top of the armed activities. But the appearance of ISIS was more bloody. Many thinkers think that ISIS is the top of terrorism. But the analysis of facts tells us not to be too sure.

So, before condemning the Islamic terrorism, you have to condemn some Arab and Muslim dictators. Fighting the armed Islamic groups and allowing the dictatorship to flourish will create more armed groups. You have to deal with the origin of terrorism which is the dictatorship. The Arab dictators used to use this formula to frighten the West (Dictatorship or Islamic terrorism. You have no other choice). But this propaganda is completely wrong: Terrorism flourishes under dictatorship. Unfortunately, the newer terrorism is usually more bloody than the older terrorism.
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