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Old 03-14-2008, 08:45 AM
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Farren Farren is offline
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Default Re: David Bowie appreciation thread

Let that be a lessen to the young man!

I'm not opposed to sampling other musicians in all cases. Guys like the Daft Punk really do some clever stuff with samples (I'm not really a fan but the artistry is evident). And my nephew, who's an extremely competent musician who plays and writes his own material, played me a track the other day he mixed together from a whole ton of different 80's advert jingles, that was just beautiful.

But what is really galling about stuff like that awful Vanilla Ice track is that the "artist" has added nothing or at least little enough to be trivial to the original sample or samples. The appeal of the original samples is just about the only hook in the piece.
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