Thread: SCOTAL Itch
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Old 09-12-2018, 12:44 AM
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Default Re: SCOTAL Itch

HuffPo: Sheldon Whitehouse Asks Brett Kavanaugh If He Has A Gambling Problem
Here's a link to the questions on Whitehouse's senate web-page, and here's some of my favorites.

16. In 2014, federal judges received a lump sum equal to the amount of their delayed cost of living adjustments. For you, this was estimated at $150,000. This amount does not appear to be reported anywhere in your financial disclosures. Please explain this discrepancy.
17. Your Bank of America accounts appear to have greatly increased in value between 2008 and 2009. Your Financial Disclosure Report dated May 15, 2009 reflected a value in the range of $15,001 - $50,000. Your Financial Disclosure Report dated May 14, 2010 reflected a value in the range of $100,001 - $250,000. You did not report any increase in Non-Investment Income, nor did you report any gifts during this period. Please explain the source of the funds that accounts for the difference reflected in these accounts between your 2008 and 2009 Financial Disclosure Reports.
18. In 2006, you purchased your primary residence in Chevy Chase, MD for $1,225,000, however, the value of assets reportedly maintained in your “Bank of America Accounts” in the years before, during, and after this purchase never decreased, indicating that funds used to pay the down payment and secure this home did not come from these accounts.
a. Did you receive financial assistance in order to purchase this home? And if so, was the assistance provided in the form of a gift or a personal loan?
b. If you received financial assistance, please provide details surrounding how this assistance was provided, including the amount(s) of the assistance, date(s) on which the assistance was provided, and the individual(s) who provided this assistance.
c. Was this financial assistance disclosed on your income tax returns, financial disclosure forms, or any other reporting document?
Kavanaugh may have rote or easy answers for some of this, but it will be interesting to see if this level of scrutiny starts to touch on things Kavanaugh really doesn't want opened up.
19. You have disclosed in your responses to the Senate Judiciary Questionnaire that you are currently a member of the Chevy Chase Club. It has been reported that the initiation fee to join this club is $92,000 and annual dues total more than $9,000.
a. How much was the initiation fee required for you to join the Chevy Chase Club? What are the annual dues to maintain membership and is this the amount that you pay?
b. Did you receive any financial assistance or beneficial reduction in the rate to pay the initiation or annual fees? If so, please describe the circumstances.
c. If you received financial assistance, please disclose the amount of the assistance, the terms, the dates the assistance was provided, and the individual(s) or entity that provided the assistance.
d. To the extent such assistance or rate reduction could be deemed a “gift,” was it reflected on your income tax returns, financial disclosure forms, or any other reporting document?
20. To date, you have not disclosed that you or your wife own any listed or unlisted securities, including but not limited to stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other investment products outside of those included in your retirement accounts. Is that accurate?
21. Have you ever received a Form W-2G reporting gambling earnings? If so, please list dates and amounts.
22. Have you ever reported a gambling loss to the IRS? If so, please list the dates and amounts.
It costs $92k to join a club? Ew.
23. Bill Burck produced to the committee a document from your tenure in the White HouseCounsel’s Office that references a “game of dice.” After a reunion with friends in September 2001, you emailed: “Apologies to all for missing Friday (good excuse), and
growing aggressive after blowing still another game of dice (don’t recall). Reminders to everyone to be very, very vigilant w/r/t confidentiality on all issues and all fronts, including with spouses.”

a. Since 2000, have you participated in any form of gambling or game of chance or skill with monetary stakes, including but not limited to poker, dice, golf, sports betting, blackjack, and craps? If yes, please list the dates, participants, location/venue, and amounts won/lost.
b. Do you play in a regular or periodic poker game? If yes, please list the dates, participants, location/venue, and amounts won/lost.
c. Have you ever gambled or accrued gambling debt in the State of New Jersey?
d. Have you ever had debt discharged by a creditor for losses incurred in the State of New Jersey?
e. Have you ever sought treatment for a gambling addiction?
f. In the email quoted above, please explain what “issues” and “fronts” you wanted your friends to be “very, very vigilant” about “w/r/t/ confidentiality, including with spouses.”
I like this question a lot:
24. Is lying under oath an impeachable offense for an Article III judge?
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Thanks, from:
BrotherMan (09-12-2018), Crumb (09-12-2018), JoeP (09-12-2018), lisarea (09-13-2018), mickthinks (09-12-2018), SR71 (09-18-2018), Stephen Maturin (09-12-2018), The Man (09-12-2018)
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