Thread: Weird Dream(s)
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Old 05-09-2011, 06:04 PM
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Corona688 Corona688 is offline
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Default Re: Weird Dream(s)

Last night in backpain painkiller dream theater:

My grandmother was re-introducing me to some relatives I didn't recognize because they'd been mutated. The virus was mostly harmless though it caused changes to skin, hair, and eye color. It also wasn't contagious, so nobody knew where it was coming from. Grandma begged me to help find the cause but what could I do? I'm no geneticist.

Later I was just going outside when I noticed a flock of birds overhead. Usually alike birds flock together but these were all different kinds and riotous colors. Some carried things, like that normal-looking swan carrying big book of maps but it ignored me -- but a colossal blue goose spotted me instead and landed a little ways away.

This goose was the size of a compact car, smurf-blue all over, with a useless and mutated head sticking out of its back. It clutched a thick picture book "birds of the world" in its good beak, but the pictures were all of mutated birds. I knew this had to be the source and lunged at the goose, trying to grab the book. It HISSED at me, HISSSSSSs! and wobbled its neck around. I got the book on the next try, ran like hell, and woke up.
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Thanks, from:
Demimonde (05-10-2011), Kyuss Apollo (05-10-2011)
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