Thread: Weird Dream(s)
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Old 05-27-2006, 01:39 AM
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Johnny Pneumatic Johnny Pneumatic is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
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Default Re: Weird Dream(s)

Two more I've had recently:

There was a murderer and I got in a fight with him using sjamboks.

In the other one I spent time getting across a busy highway and then the rest of the dream was spent inside a store looking at imports from countries in Asia. I finally found one of those cone hats(which I want in real life) that are worn in several Asian countries. I also played with this weird thing carved out of wood: it was several things, but mostly it was a mini piano-wind instrument hybrid(it had to be pumped with a small thing on the bottom, but it was played like a piano(a piano that had many rows of keys, kind of like how an organ is, but even more so. Four, five layers of keys I think it was.) I wanted to get it, but it cost $450.
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