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Old 02-25-2019, 06:31 PM
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davidm davidm is offline
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Default Re: Ultimate Cagefight MMXIX, Democratic Edition

In fact, my main interest is in finding someone who can beat the Orange Disease in the White House. I obviously prefer a progressive, but whoever looks to have a shot at winning will get my vote at this juncture. I admire the way Bennet kicked the living shit out of Ted Cruz — actually accusing him of KILLING people — but also the way he demolished Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and the Orange Filth himself. This is what is needed.

I loved it when he said that he wasn’t even going to talk about what the Short-Fingered Vulgarian said about Cruz’s father. :lol:

Hey, if Bennet can snag the nomination and win, so be it. Even if he is a moderate, he will be subject to rising progressive pressure, the grass-roots Green New Deal. Any president will have to respond to changing times.

My beef with Hillary Clinton was not that she was a “moderate,” per se. It was her opportunistic vote for the Iraq War, her being a bought and paid for shill for Wall Street, and for being a generally shitty and uninspiring candidate, who lost because of those things, and not because of James Comey, Russian trolls, the New York Times (which endorsed her!) third-party candidates, or any other lame excuse.

Of course pushing a truly progressive agenda is going to be a hard slog for anyone, even for Bernie or Warren if either wins. I saw that harridan Dianne Feinstein browbeat those great kids the other day. I lived in San Francisco when she was mayor. She was a shitty mayor (refusing to march in the gay pride parade? Vetoing domestic partners legislation? Sucking up to rapacious real-estate developers?), she’s a shitty senator, she’s a shitty person, and her time is almost over with. These kids that tried to talk to her are going to have to live with the climate catastrophe unfolding, and all this bitch could do is treat them as if she were their parent and they were her bratty stepchildren who were demanding dessert before dinner. FU, Dianne, and all people in the Democratic Party like you. Just take a look at this CRAP piece from The Atlantic about Feinstein’s meeting with those great kids. 
THERE’S your shitty mainstream media for you. Feinstein actually bragged about winning her most recent election (like Trump brags) and dismissed a 16-year-old because she wasn’t old enough to vote for her! Ugh!

What Feinstein told those kids is true — that right now, the Green New Deal can’t get passed. But that’s NOW. What about next year, two, three years down the line? What about if people like her took a stand and tried to explain to the public the catastrophe that is unfolding? But, no! No, you just lord it over those kids, Dianne, besmirch their idealism, make a point of trying to crush their dreams, and brag about being elected! And yammer about how you owe them nothing because they aren’t old enough to vote for you! Yuck!

It looks to me as if it’s becoming increasingly important to find someone, anyone, who can beat Drumpster, because Robert Mueller is producing nothing. It is long past time for him to put up or shut up about what he has or doesn’t have on President Grease Puss. The Watergate investigation lasted less than half as long as this investigation, involved not one but two special prosecutors, and ended with Nixon resigning. Every week for months I’ve been reading about how Mueller is about to deliver the goods, and then, of course … nothing happens, as usual. Consequentially, I’m increasingly resigned to the fact that Drumpf will be the GOP nominee in 2020 and might even win again.

Too bad AOC isn’t old enough to run. But we’ll be seeing lots more of her down the road, I reckon, not in spite of, but because of, the ridicule and opposition of aging reactionary fossils like Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi.
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But (02-26-2019), chunksmediocrites (03-28-2019)
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