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Old 04-04-2011, 11:55 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by davidm View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Light is not carrying any stimuli as sound does;

Here, try a little experiment. Go out on a bright day. Stand around for a few minutes. Then immediately go into a very dark room. Explain what you experience. Extra credit for explaining why you experience this.

Here is another experiment to test your claim that light does not carry any stimuli as sound does: Take a pair of scissors, and stick them into your eyes. Tell us what you see afterward!

Sound is carried through solids, liquids, and gases.

Light does not carry stimuli through any of these mediums.
Bullshit! Light can pass through liquids and gases, solids not so much; but then we are only talking about visible light. Have you ever heard of X-rays? Do you know what those are?

You are assuming that the stimuli is in the light itself, but it is not.
Honestly, what the fuck does this even mean?

As I said, it is a necessary condition of sight, but it is not bringing stimuli (as sound does) to the optic nerve where it is then transformed into an image.
What? Sound brings stimuls to the optic nerve, but not light? :foocl:

Or maybe you meant: "Light is not bringing stimulus to the optic nerve, as sound does to the eardrums."

But that is exactly what it is doing! Where the fuck did you ever get the idiotic notion otherwise?
I concede. I'm getting in over my head. I said before the way he came to these conclusions had more to do with how the brain learns words (which indirectly led him to his findings). If his findings regarding words are wrong; then he was wrong. I am not going to get into areas that are not my expertise. If you don't think he has proof, then continue to believe the eyes are a sense organ. I'm not forcing you to believe anything that doesn't make absolute sense to you.
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