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Old 12-28-2009, 10:10 PM
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Default Re: Video Games - Watcha playin'?

Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I'm not a Windows user. So I play games on various machines with various different sizes of windows.
Ah, that makes sense.

Would you trust a car if the manual said "by the way, once someone of a given weight has driven this car, anyone of a different weight driving it will cause the transmission to sieze up"?
Valid point, but I mean, we're talking about a free video game here, not something you pay for.

There is no reason for which the size of the window used to display the game should have any impact on what is saved. If it does, Something Has Gone Horribly Wrong.

I'd rather have access to the source, and so on... The guy seems pretty clever and all that, but the closed source thing makes it hard for me to have confidence in the game, and that's a sufficiently glaring bug to just leave buggy that I don't trust the rest of it.
Again, that makes sense, but I feel like I'm missing your point somewhere. I mean, do you just hate bugs in general, or are you actually suspecting that there's something malicious in there? (If so, you may be a bit too paranoid, just sayin'...)

Hell, I was under the impression that the source was closed because access to the source would potentially hand people every secret in the game, and he wants people to figure it out for themselves.

I'll admit I don't know anywhere near as much about this stuff as you, though. Am I missing something?
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