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Old 06-30-2011, 10:34 PM
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specious_reasons specious_reasons is offline
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Join Date: May 2009
Default Re: Privacy, Anonymity, and Compartmentalization

I'm specious_reasons everywhere, because I really only have one online identity I want to maintain. I'd say SR is a pretty close online equivalent to this meat behind the keyboard.

I post pseudo-anonymously. Except for my email and my first name, most of what I do on this forum isn't (publicly/easily) related to my real name. Mostly, I do that to limit my exposure to random internet crazies. (Not talking about :ff:! Never! :ffshifty:)

On the other hand, people who know my real name can pretty easily link it with specious_reasons, because I do link to the same videos and pictures and it's even in my FB profile.

I keep FB pretty "radical atheist" free, but I will promote science and skepticism, because frankly that's more important and dear to me.

Basically, I'm as boring as shit IRL as I am online. :)
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Gonzo (07-01-2011)
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