Thread: Member News
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Old 08-20-2007, 08:39 PM
Novowels Novowels is offline
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Default Re: Member News

I never had my wisdom teeth out, and they had some cavities according to the x-rays, which my dentist last year told me we'll 'keep an eye on' but were no immediate worries.

Well, last week I was eating something and felt this crunch and searing pain: one of my wisdom teeth just collapsed in on itself. Luckily, the pain went away quickly and all of the tooth shards apparently erupted and got washed out and aren't causing me any problems. Unluckily, the dentist told me I'm going to have what's left of it removed (I'm nearly 30, which apparently means the healing process is a real bitch; which is why most people have them removed when they're younger).

Has anyone had wisdom teeth taken out in adulthood? How bad is it?
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