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Old 06-13-2013, 01:27 PM
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Default Re: Thread for the mysteriously newsworthy

Originally Posted by ChuckF View Post
I seriously don't even understand this

I KNOW it is like CNN, big deal.

So somebody had Photoshop or Windows Paint, or something, and a marketer's understanding of science, and access to a UK coupon website (yeah?) and this is the result. At first I thought it was sponsored content or something, because the writing is so bad, but apparently it is not? Or maybe it is a hoax thing? Long story short, in 100,000 years we will all look like Pixar knock-offs.

Anyway, take it away, science:
In 20,000 years, in a world where genetic engineering is commonplace and humans have established colonies in space, human knowledge of the universe will increase and as such, the size of the brain will increase, Dr. Alan Kwan theorizes. As a result, the human head will have to become larger to accommodate the larger brain size. (Nickolay Lamm /
In 60,000 years, Dr. Alan Kwan states that after millennia of traveling through space, zygotic genome engineering will be used to create humans with larger eyes, more pigmented skin and a thicker eyelids. This will be done in order to see better in the dimmer environment of space, to shield humans from the UV rays and alleviate the effects of low to no gravity like today’s astronauts on the International Space Station. (Nickolay Lamm /
:gah: :gah: :gah:
You know what he left out? The sex toys! Don't forget to bring marital vibrators or everyone on board becomes bored and the males kill each other on the dining room table.

The rest is commonplace. Use the "radiodurans" extreme genome to repair yourself in flight faster than the cosmic rays knock you out! Now with extra hybrid orbitals. sp2 is good for graphene and carbon nanotubes with extreme tensile strength. sp3 is for Diamond. Tetrahedron.

Mrs. Pea, what is tensegrity? I know that the tetrahedron is prime divisor of omnidirectional universe, but what does that mean? Mrs Pea, HELP ME
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