Thread: Save the 'Net
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Old 08-29-2006, 04:37 AM
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Ari Ari is offline
I read some of your foolish scree, then just skimmed the rest.
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Default Re: Save the 'Net

I don't see anti-net-neutrality as moving forward.

It isn't a price control but an attempt to keep all packets at the same priority level.

One danger with allowing companies to control packet priority level is they could reduce the speed or even cut off competition's products. Say AT&T comes out with an internet music store and you use AT&T's internet but want to download music from iTunes. AT&T could force you to download iTunes music at 56k speeds (unless you upgrade to their new "neutral" service, giving you normal internet access for a premium price). Etc.

A good net neutrality bill would be pro-competition.

Edit to add: It would be like microsoft making windows run any none microsoft program poorly or not at all unless a.) Those companies pay microsoft money to run on their OS or b.) you pay extra to get a windows that runs non-microsoft programs.
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