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Old 10-11-2011, 08:26 PM
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Spacemonkey Spacemonkey is offline
I'll be benched for a week if I keep these shenanigans up.
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
He wrote that. Don't make me have to go searching through his books to find it. :(
No, he didn't. Lessans never claimed that light has to be present at the eyes for vision to be possible. That is YOUR claim.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
I'm still waiting on your answer as to what properties of what (and where) determine the color of a real-time photograph.

What properties determine the color of a photographic image?

If properties of light, then WHERE is the light whose properties determine this?

If properties of light AT THE CAMERA, then how can light of color matching a newly changed object be at the camera instantaneously to interact with the film?

Stop falling back on faith and avoidance. Follow through and deal with the logical implications of your own claims.
The logical implications are very clear. If efferent vision is true, then cameras work similarly. Although they don't have a brain, they work very much the same as the lens of the eye and the retina. You have to look at it from this perspective, which you're not doing. It would mean the camera's lens focuses on the object from which the mirror image is instantly seen due to light. Yes, the red photon was ahead of the blue, but that is not what is being captured by the lens.
So the lens isn't capturing the light travelling from the object to the camera? Then what is it doing? And you still aren't answering the questions I asked! Why is that, Peacegirl? Why can't you tell me what properties of what (and where) are interacting with the film in a camera to determine the color of the resulting photographic image?

What is it that causally interacts with the film to determine the colot of the (allegedly real-time) photgraphic image?

Where is whatever it is that so interacts with the film?

What properties of this determine the color of the resulting image?

For me, it is the specific wavelengths of the light present at the camera. You agreed, then disagreed, and now refuse to answer the question.
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