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Old 01-07-2009, 09:59 PM
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SharonDee SharonDee is offline
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Default Re: New And Improved Rant Thread, now with 50% more profanity!

And on another topic: My coworker and fellow developer can take a flying leap up his own ass! I am so sick of his shit.

He tells me that the automation routine he wrote hasn't run since December 29th. This means someone needs to manually play catch-up to do the work his automated process didn't. He had the nerve to ask me who should do that. "Is this my responsibility or yours?" He thinks it should be my responsibility because I wrote the original import/scrubbing code. I think it's his responsibility because he wrote the automation piece; you know, the part that fucking broke?!

I also think TO HELL WITH IT because the users aren't using the data on that particular server, anyway. ("We keep getting timeouts when we write SQL queries. Boo! And also: Hoo!")

And hey, fuck nut: You got picked to write the automation routine because you kept running to Boss Man with, "I don't have anything to do." Now if I don't have time--gee, I never run out of things to do; don't ask me why he does. I'm pissed off enough already--and if you've always got time on your hands ... Well, what do you think would be fair?!

Apparently he needed the time to calm down because he just called me to say, "I'll do it. I'll probably run out of things to do sooner or later so I might as well take time out to do this." Yeah. Exactly. Fucker.

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