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Old 03-26-2013, 03:43 AM
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lisarea lisarea is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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Default Re: Foodie Tips and Tricks


This is a TIP OR TRICK REQUEST, and not a tip or trick.

Does anyone have recommendations for a small spice grinder suitable for grinding up hard things like pods?

I have a pretty terrible mortar and pestle that is good enough for leaves and stuff, but it doesn't do much for anything actually hard to smash. I don't need anything heavy duty, because I usually only need maybe half a teaspoon tops.

I was thinking maybe I would get an "herb" grinder for that, but it's not like the "herbs" in question are even pods or anything, so I don't even know if that would work.

Like is there such a thing as a crystal meth grinder maybe? Maybe something like that. Maybe just a better mortar and pestle? (The one I have is just wood, and I don't know where it even came from. I've even entertained the idea that maybe it's just supposed to be ornamental.)
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Thanks, from:
Janet (03-26-2013), livius drusus (03-26-2013)
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