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Old 01-13-2005, 10:11 PM
Sweetie Sweetie is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Default Re: Sex and exercise

Does exercise prior to sex enhance your experience of it?
Does sex prior to exercise make it the exercise tougher?
If you want clinical data I have none, but from my experience sex before exercise well, I probably wouldn't get around to exercising. I don't know, maybe after-glow, maybe some hormone that makes one relax and then there's well, what if indeed you did get enough exercise during. :P

Now exercise before, that's different. I'm in shape right now so exercise doesn't generally tire me out, not unless it's excessive so after exercising I feel good. Feel charged, energetic, blood pumping, powerful, etc. There's probably some adrenaline in your system already when you start then so that might enhance the experience or maybe it's just the energy that you would bring to the table :D that could enhance it, make it all the more, shall we say, worthwhile? :suave:
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