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Old 04-07-2010, 01:50 AM
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Default Re: The Gallery of Awesome

Originally Posted by wei yau View Post
Good burn!

'Cause we all know that ES is the epitome of ladylike behavior and then you said ladies first, like you wanted her to GTFO first, but then you said "oh wait", implying that ES is not really a lady.


That is fucking funny. Because ES is not really a lady. And women hate it when you say that they aren't really lady like.
Captain Obvious, table of one, your seat is ready.

Shake, please standby for a response. My fellow lulzrollerz and I need to discuss you and this situation.
C'mon ... do you really need to take this to the super-secret forum to discuss things? Liv may have a de facto ignore on me, but don't tell me she doesn't know what's going on already. I know how she works.

Good burn!
Thanks! I don't mind getting my own lulz from time to time, and I know ES is big enough to be able to take it.

Get the fuck out.
You won't get rid of me that easily. Though I have grown rather bored of this whole forum over the last few years, which is in part reason for my "flybys". It's gotten stale here and my lack of visits have kept me being "in" on many of the running gags which now permeate this place. I thought of just stopping when I hit V, but then things got a little interesting again so I started coming around more often. But apparently someone can't just take off for a while and then return without being considered a flyby. Dingfod leaves every now and then, would you consider him a flyby poster? I sure wouldn't. He's like a staple of this place. It's just not the same when he's not around.

And now, I'm getting bored of this post, so I'll just let you all continue with the awesomeness here, because this fighting just isn't awesome.
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