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Old 01-06-2012, 10:07 PM
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Iacchus Iacchus is offline
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Default Re: An endless feud?

Oh, today is Little Christmas. It's also the Day of Epiphany which, is the day Dionysus turns water into wine.

Well, IMAGINE that. :yup:


In some cults, he arrives from the east, as an Asiatic foreigner; and in others, from Ethiopia in the South. He is a god of epiphany, "the god that comes", and his "foreignness" as an arriving outsider-god may be inherent and essential to his cults. He is a major, popular figure of Greek mythology and religion, and is included in some lists of the twelve Olympians. His festivals were the driving force behind the development of Greek theater. He is an example of a dying god.
Death (and living) is all in our heads. It is a creation of our own imagination. So, maybe we just "imagine" that we die? :prettycolors:

Like to download a copy of my book, The Advent of Dionysus? . . . It's free! :whup:

Last edited by Iacchus; 01-06-2012 at 10:17 PM.
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