Thread: Weird Dream(s)
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Old 11-28-2010, 10:05 PM
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Qingdai Qingdai is offline
Dogehlaugher -Scrutari
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Default Re: Weird Dream(s)

I was in San Francisco, only it was on a cliff. Going on a moving walkway.
A large brick building was ahead of us (I was with three others) suddenly one of the floors (maybe the 11th) erupted into flames shooting out windows. The building pancaked down, then another brick building collapsed next to it.
Seeing this, and knowing the power would soon be off, I hopped off of the walkway onto the cliff. The three people with me went skidding backwards, barely hanging on to the walkway. I went to go save them, and looking over I saw one person give up and let go. Someone's cell phone rang, I answered it, "Yes, he fell over the cliff. I've got to go rescue them now." I hung up and threw the phone aside. I was able to reel up the moving sidewalk so the remaining people could clamber up the cliff to safety.
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