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Old 10-30-2006, 02:30 PM
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Psykottik Psykottik is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Default Re: post your 419 emails here!

I received over 40 of those scams. At least 15 of those said that a person with my same surname had died along the Sagamu Expressway and left millions of dollars. Once I wrote the guy back and expressed concern over the condition of the roads there. I told him I could never visit their country because of fears for my life.

The only other time I replied, I told the guy that my account was a corporate account and had millions in it. This certainly grabbed his attention. He wrote back with details about how much money he would split with me. Over the next couple of days, I had him basically believing that I would not go through until he picked up my legal team at the airport in a tan limousine. He was complaining about my lack of trust and I told him I didn't get rich by trusting people, that he just needed to do as I say or else. Finally, I just told him that it would be easier to scam people if each potential victim didn't receive 40 emails nearly identical to each other. :doh:
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