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Old 05-27-2018, 05:07 AM
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Ari Ari is offline
I read some of your foolish scree, then just skimmed the rest.
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Default Re: I think we need a morons with guns thrad

So I occasionally watch gun channels on youtube because they go boom and are cool and are no where near me when some of these quasi profesionals are firing off military weapons. Recently I just discovered what happened to one of those channels, FPSRussia.

FPSRussia was a guy who put on a fake, 'moose and squirrel' esqe accent that I'm now finding out some people actually believed, but was really some dude from Georgia. He shot lots of military grade weapons from automatic rifles to anti-aircraft guns often at targets that explode. He stopped posting in 2016, due to an arrest by the FBI who were clearly watching him over marijuana hash oil, which forbid him from owning guns, but before that his arm dealer was murdered. Yep that's right, his connection to get his 50+ gun arsenal of military weapons was found shot dead in 2013, an unknown amount of weapons were stolen, but he was found still with quite a few. Once his weapon's source ran dry the videos started to wane. He's still around doing some sort of hosting of a youtube/twitch video game show nonsense.

Amusingly their major mistake as far as the ATF was concerned was playing with explosives which is what got their attention and then a side eye into the weapons arsenal but no serious repercussions, just a wholesome american running a military weapons business.

(Note the article acts like it's the youtube presenter not a mostly unseen backer).
Keith Ratliff, Gun Enthusiast of FPSRussia, Is Shot to Death - The New York Times
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Thanks, from:
Crumb (05-27-2018), Dingfod (05-30-2018), Kamilah Hauptmann (05-27-2018), The Man (05-27-2018)
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