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Old 06-30-2011, 08:39 PM
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lisarea lisarea is offline
Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short
Join Date: Jul 2004
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Default Re: Privacy, Anonymity, and Compartmentalization

Well, yeah, trolling or being a dick, though, is what I'd call a concrete (or articulable) motivation.*

Do you never really have an interest, though, in just compartmentalizing, or in discussing something without social context? For a relatively concrete example, I have in the past and often still do use gender neutral user IDs on forums for technical subjects, because without the social context of being a lady or being some identifiable person, I can say things without people filtering it through all their personal bias.

And even when it's not as concrete as not wanting to be profiled by demographic, I like being able to talk about things sometimes without any personal context. IOW, it doesn't matter who I am, where I live, whether I have kids, whatever, all of which is distracting from the topic at hand. Not having identifiable traits like that discourages the kind of weird personal filtering that people do unconsciously all the time, and forces them to focus on what you're saying rather than on what they think your motivations might be and things like that. (I mean, people still speculate sometimes, but at least then I get to lol heartily at how they are almost always comically wrong.)

That was to Ari. I had to solve a mystery mid-poast, so I missed some sneaky in-betweens.

* A fun trolling fact is that a while back, my son and I were talking, and we discovered that we have both independently used the same username to troll sometimes, inspired by the same exact thing. GENETICS!

Last edited by lisarea; 06-30-2011 at 08:43 PM. Reason: IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION ALERT!
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Thanks, from:
Adam (07-08-2011), Ari (06-30-2011), Demimonde (06-30-2011), Gonzo (07-01-2011), Kael (07-01-2011), livius drusus (06-30-2011), Stormlight (07-01-2011), The Man (03-27-2015)
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