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Old 07-13-2008, 08:20 PM
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Radathser Radathser is offline
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Default Re: Atmospheric optical phenomena

Well done, Ceptimus.

In retrospect, the event my friend and I witnessed happened around mid to late May. Now, I live East of the Great Dismal Swamp, and just 30 miles North of the North Carolina border. Ever since Early June and late May we've been having smoke problems from North Carolina, and more recently, the Great Dismal swamp due to large forest fires in Carolina and peat fires in the Dismal Swamp. What we may have witness could have been just before the smoke, "fell," to Earth and soon after the fires began. So Ceptimus, yes, you have quite a solid theory in my humble opinion on what happened. You could be wrong, but I think the margin for error on your part is probably pretty small.

The Smoke problem throughout June has been so bad that all of my cloths, and all of my friends smell like smoke. None of us are smokers. Visibility is at times worse than fog. While we've had alot of rain in the past few weeks that have temporarily, "put out the fires," it is predicted that unless we're hit by a Tropical Storm or Hurricane, we will likely have a smoke problem until the end of Summer in Late August. This puts a terrible kink in my plans to run a Marathon on Labor Day weekend. While I'm probably fit enough to run my first marathon straight through, I planned to train the entire summer, every day, so that I might have a shot at first place or the top five or top ten. [Something like 80,000$ in prizes, but I'm in it for the charity, for the journey, the breaking of a mental barrier which probably doesn't exist for me, to experience this infamous, "Wall," and for self improvement in general.]

But yes, well played, sir. Thanks, I now have a reasonable explanation for the awesome red skies we witnessed. Other than strange brownies from strangers.
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