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Old 08-12-2009, 05:43 PM
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Garnet Garnet is offline
Guðríð the Gloomy
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lansing, MI
Gender: Female
Default Re: Health Care Reform Dead

I think that there are some incremental changes that would be helpful and could lead to eventual full scale reform. For example, the provision in the House bill to stop insurers from denying people because of pre-existing conditions would help a lot of people. Sure, it isn't the kind of wholesale reform that is really needed, but it's a start. I also thing the provision in the bill for end of life counseling to be covered is an outstanding idea.

I've pretty much given up on the idea of complete reform. As of this morning, I'm further concerned that even the possibility of incremental change is lost in the firestorm of blatant lie and fear mongering campaigns waged by...hell...I don't even know who's waving the conductor's baton. It just seems to me that whoever they are, they've won. The whole debate has been poisoned and polarized to the point that rational voices are completely drowned out.

What prompted this is that I overheard some discussions here at work that have just blown my mind. Normally pretty smart people here have bought into some of the most egregious lies. I really thought that it was pretty easy to see that Palin's "Death Panel" was just a damned lie. But some people here believe it. It has blown my mind. I showed them the relevent portion of the bill and explained what is really is. Guess what? I'm the one who is "doesn't understand."

It's just fucking crazy.
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