Thread: EduTube
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Old 12-06-2010, 01:40 PM
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Default Re: EduTube

Originally Posted by davidm View Post
Originally Posted by naturalist.atheist View Post
Originally Posted by Deadlokd View Post
Why was "The God Delusion" a joke? Philosophically speaking?
Pay davidm no attention. He is just doing philosophy. You see the way philosophers determine what is and is not philosophy is by insult. This is why davidm likes philosophy so much.
Yep, let's do some philosophy.

Debunking Dawkins.
That's philosophy is it?

On the abundance of atheists in science:

Another possible source for the initial surplus of atheists is pure chance. For example, the top universities might have happened to recruit more atheists than usual for a short time. (This is what mathematicians call a statistical fluctuation.)
How about that? It isn't because scientists realise that god isn't necessary and is also a human construct, it's just a statistical anomaly.

To prove the argument from design:

To see how questionable the argument is, compare it to the following argument about the human brain: Human thought is simply a resultant of small natural events involving neurons and their connections. None of these events involves any design; each of them is mechanistic, fully obeys all natural laws, and is caused by other natural events. Therefore, the products of human thought cannot really be products of design.

If we applied the skeptics' standard for design to the human brain instead of to Earth's biosphere, we would conclude that humans never designed anything! So much for Michelangelo and Edison!
Because the human brain is a result of chemistry it cannot design anything; ergo everything is designed!

Now this is just a quick flick through the writings....scrawlings....I don't know what they are. But I do notice that he has some books for sale, God and Darwin - Buddies! and God, Son of Quark. And I guess if you're trying to sell some books you need some publicity and attacking a reputable author tends to generate publicity. Usually.
Don't pray in my school and I won't think in your church.
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