Thread: Web Comics
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Old 01-23-2008, 05:46 PM
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Default Re: Web Comics

I've recently discovered the spiritual successor to The DM of the Rings: Darths & Droids

It's the same basic setup: a classic nerd movie reinterpreted as an RPG session, although the creators have the specific intent of telling a different story with the same pictures. They're maybe a third of the way through The Phantom Menace now, and they've come up with some amusing ideas to explain away why so much of the movie is horrible: Naboo geography and politics make no sense because the players were supposed to stay in orbit and never visit the planet, so the DM had to make it up as he went along, Jar Jar is annoying and childish because his player is a six year old girl, R2 doesn't have a damn voice chip because his player took "mute" as a penalty in order to get bonus points to max out his Repair skill, etc.
"Trans Am Jesus" is "what hanged me"
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Thanks, from:
Crumb (01-23-2008), Megatron (03-07-2009), Naru (01-23-2008), seebs (04-08-2008)
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