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Old 11-19-2017, 07:37 PM
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Ari Ari is offline
I read some of your foolish scree, then just skimmed the rest.
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Default Re: I think we need a morons with guns thrad

One of the many things to hate the NRA about is their fight against basic safety mechanisms. Currently already in existence are mechanisms that flag that a bullet is in the chamber through both a pop up and red indicator, as well as grip safeties that require the depression of a button on the back that you can avoid when handling the gun but naturally depress when pulling the trigger to fire. But no, only dirty liberal gun hating states have been able to push horrible basic safeties like these on good gun owners.

If it was any other product we wouldn't even be having this conversation, I mean I just described a better version of what's required on every grill lighter. The NRA has successfully fought to keep guns as dangerous as they currently are.
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Thanks, from:
Crumb (11-19-2017), Nullifidian (11-22-2017), Sock Puppet (11-20-2017), The Man (11-19-2017)
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