Thread: News Miscellany
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Old 04-12-2019, 02:52 PM
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Default Re: News Miscellany

Originally Posted by erimir View Post
I wasn't talking about classified emails, you just assumed that based on me saying nothing about that. But to make things clearer, I edited the original post.
No, I wasn't even talking about emails. Disclosure of classified information is a crime, even more serious than copying some emails ("stealing" information is incoherent nonsense anyway).

The DNC/Podesta emails were the product of criminal hacking.
That's not even clear. There's no conclusive evidence.

Criminally adjacent in the sense that he was knowingly receiving the products of crime and disseminating them in a way that furthered the aims of the criminals (i.e. damaging America's democracy, getting Trump elected, etc.). I mean, it may not be criminal, but it is shady and it does involve criminals.
That applies to any government employee who leaks classified information. It's a "product of crime" and publishing it furthers the aims of the criminals, otherwise they wouldn't have leaked it in the first place.
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