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Posted 05-17-2009 at 05:03 AM by Shelli
Tags plants

So, I've learned that deadheading flowering plants not only makes them more aesthetically pleasing, but also promotes re-blooming and better overall plant growth. :eelement:

I've done some deadheading on my snap dragons outside, and today, I deadheaded my Kalanchoe that I have hanging in the living room. I looked up how to do it and I'm glad I did. I would have thought that I should just pinch off the dead and dying flower clusters, but in researching it, I found that you are supposed...
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Pink Polka Dots & Fuzzy Exotica

Posted 05-17-2009 at 04:39 AM by Shelli
Tags plants

Before my delved into outside plants, I had bought two more house plants. One for the office, a Pink Polka-Dot plant, and one for my living room, a Pilea Mollis or "Moon Valley".

The Pink Polka-Dot plant is sitting pretty in a nice, dark blue ceramic pot filled with Miracle Gro regular potting soil. It needs lots of bright, but indirect light, so it's sitting on a ledge next to my window but not in direct sunlight.

The Pilea Mollis is really cool with dual...
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Wake = 4+ new plants

Posted 04-29-2009 at 09:02 PM by Shelli
Tags plants

My mother-in-law passed away about a month ago resulting in the usual wake which resulted in the unusual in my house. One of my husband's co-workers, rather than send flowers to the wake, sent a plant arrangement consisting of four plants: Kalanchoe, Dumbcane, Croton, & Maidenhair Fern.

Two of the plants, the Kalanchoe and the Dumbcane need...
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