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The joys of TVP

Posted 09-12-2007 at 12:32 AM by curses
Updated 09-23-2007 at 04:08 AM by curses

..or textured vegetable protein, if you're not up on your acronyms. Tonight I'm making Meatless Meat Loaf. Here's the recipe:

Mom's Michigan Meatloaf


o 3 Cups TVP granules
o 2 1/2 Cups boiling water
o 1/4 Cup ketchup
o 1/2 Cup quick oats
o 4T steak sauce, or brown sauce
o 1t basil
o 3T veggie soup base
o 1/2 Cup finely chopped onion, sauteed in oil
o 1 Cup gluten flour
o 1t salt
o 1/4t pepper
o 1/2t oregano
o 1/2t garlic powder
o 1T finely minced parsley
o 1T additional oil


Mix in a large bowl TVP, ketchup, oats, basil and broth powder with boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes.

Saute onion in oil. Add onions to the rehydrated TVP and stir in. Mix remaining ingredients into TVP mixture.

Lightly oil a bread pan, pack mixture tightly in. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

Let sit in pan for 10 minutes, loosen all edges before slicing, or turn out onto plate, then slice. Serve with gravy. Makes good leftover sandwiches!

I substituted bread flour for the gluten flour, real garlic for the garlic powder, and used Worcestershire sauce instead of steak sauce. I also added one of mom's hot peppers (I have no idea what kind, but my skin's still burning from cutting the pepper up). I gave a small taste...boy is that bastard hot! It' in the oven now, along with some garlic roasted potatoes. T minus 40 minutes till I see just how much I like this recipe.

Edit: It turned out really well! It had just the right level of spiciness with the pepper, and the potatoes helped offset it a bit. It was only slightly grainy-tasting, as that's one of the things about TVP-there will always be a slight cereal taste to it.

The meatloaf of greatness.
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  1. Old Comment
    Dingfod's Avatar
    TVP. *gak* A long time ago in a land far, far away, where we were influenced by our Mormon neighbors, we purchased Perma-Pak food storage, a year's supply for three people. A few years later we were broke so we broke into the food storage. The beef flavor TVP was inedible as far as I'm concerned, the chicken flavor was little better. However, in consuming the chicken-flavored TVP, we discovered what McDonald's Chicken McNuggets are made out of, they're exactly the same, the bubbles in it, the flavor, etc., just not breaded and deep fried.
    Posted 09-12-2007 at 07:31 PM by Dingfod Dingfod is offline
  2. Old Comment
    viscousmemories's Avatar
    Wow, that looks really yummeh. My roomie is playing at vegetarianism - maybe I'll give it a go.
    Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:03 PM by viscousmemories viscousmemories is offline
  3. Old Comment
    curses's Avatar
    It's not too bad, just don't expect it to taste exactly like meatloaf ;) That got me the first time.

    Also, the Morningstar "Riblets" in the frozen food section are really yummy. They actually do taste a bit like ribs, they even have the same texture. I could live on them.
    Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:15 PM by curses curses is offline
  4. Old Comment
    viscousmemories's Avatar
    Oh, cool. I have a toasted bagel with an egg, Morningstar sausage pattie and slice of American cheese (2% or non-fat) for breakfast just about every day.
    Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:35 PM by viscousmemories viscousmemories is offline

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