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I'm the asshole

Posted 11-17-2007 at 03:22 AM by SharonDee

So I'm the project leader for this big "outsource the royalties" deal. Learning that the new check stock needed to be supported for non-royalty payments as well, I went over to talk with the Finance gal about getting her the software and MICR printer she'd need. Typically, she started ranting about how IT supports all the other departments and only lets Finance know about things when they realize they need their input on stuff that will change.

Essentially, she was saying...
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Feels good to laugh

Posted 11-12-2007 at 01:18 AM by SharonDee

I had forgotten how good it feels to laugh, really laugh. Not the polite ha-ha that comes when sharing interesting stories with people but a genuine, forget what you were previously thinking about, hee-haw.

Animal companions are good for just that kind of laugh.

As I was gathering up clothes for a late night laundry load, my dogs were play wrestling on the bed. At one point, Nikki was on her back near the edge of the bed while Miss Lucy made mock lunges at her throat....
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