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And now for the politics

Posted 11-03-2008 at 03:16 AM by Kael

So, I had a chance finally to chat with my dad again, we are both very busy so it is an infrequent occurance anymore. Toward the end, I finally worked up the nerve to breach the subject of politics (my views have changed since last we spoke of it, and I didn't know where to begin explaining). Not going to go into great detail, but the short discussion (had to end, we both had work) left me thinking quite a bit, and I'm certain if we ever have time, we could talk for hours about it.

I'm just going to ramble a bit here... He voted in favor of the proposed amendment to our state constitution defining marriage as between a man and a woman. At the time, some years ago, so did I. My thoughts on the matter were simple. "If that's what gets you off, fine, but what'd'ya want married for? Just call it a 'civil union' or some such." A view my wife still sees as a good compromise. While I don't necessarily see anything wrong with it, my thoughts changed when I myself married. It became "If someone wants a relationship like this [my marriage] with someone of the same gender instead of the opposite, who am I, who are you, to say they cannot have it?"

That is the way I still feel on the matter.

It also distressed me somewhat to hear that he likes what he's heard (which admittedly isn't much) about Palin as well. I'd hoped he would see what I see. We did not have time to discuss it further, and I look forward to it. Basically, for those of you without telepathy, what I see is religiously driven bigotry and intolerance. I see someone who genuinely believes that jews need to be brought to the light of Jesus and similar nonesense and, more than that, someone who is ok with using political power to make their own creed into law.

Let me be clear. I do not like the idea of a Democratic administration, as I disagree with the party on a number of issues, mostly about the role of the federal government and some economic issues. The thought of the current Republican candidates is worse still, however.

I spoke with him again more recently, and he seemed to think that in the increasingly likely even that Obama is elected the nation will quickly become a socialist state where the government leaves him no spending money. Mind, he makes significantly less than $100k a year.

I'm hoping I'll have a chance to talk to him again later, we only had a moment before.
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