Pink Polka Dots & Fuzzy Exotica
Posted 05-17-2009 at 04:39 AM by Shelli
Tags plants
Before my delved into outside plants, I had bought two more house plants. One for the office, a Pink Polka-Dot plant, and one for my living room, a Pilea Mollis or "Moon Valley".
The Pink Polka-Dot plant is sitting pretty in a nice, dark blue ceramic pot filled with Miracle Gro regular potting soil. It needs lots of bright, but indirect light, so it's sitting on a ledge next to my window but not in direct sunlight.
The Pilea Mollis is really cool with dual colored leaves with raised fuzziness.
This plant required moderate, indirect light, so it is hanging next to an appropriate window in my living room. This plant required regular potting soil mixed with added peat moss and perilite.
Pink Polka Dots next to Fuzzy Exotica
The Pink Polka-Dot plant is sitting pretty in a nice, dark blue ceramic pot filled with Miracle Gro regular potting soil. It needs lots of bright, but indirect light, so it's sitting on a ledge next to my window but not in direct sunlight.
The Pilea Mollis is really cool with dual colored leaves with raised fuzziness.

Pink Polka Dots next to Fuzzy Exotica

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