How The Onliest Tiggermonkey Was Born
Posted 09-02-2007 at 02:10 AM by Shelli
Updated 05-04-2008 at 03:56 AM by Shelli (smilie text change)
Updated 05-04-2008 at 03:56 AM by Shelli (smilie text change)
Once upon a time, on a Friday night within the first month of my joining the
, Watser? and I were
on Skype. We were discussing some stupidity or another going on in the world and I gave my typical response, "We're all just a bunch of monkeys". But then I got to thinking... out loud to Watser? of course
... well, I'm obviously a monkey too but I'm also a lot like
. :think2: Then, suddenly...
! "I know! I'm a Tiggermonkey! Yeah! That's it! A Tiggermonkey!"
And hence, the onliest Tiggermonkey was born.

And hence, the onliest Tiggermonkey was born.

Total Comments 8
Posted 09-02-2007 at 02:49 AM by inland wave -
So that's how you became the onliest Tiggermonkey! Now the Tigger song is stuck in my head.
A wonderful thing is a Tigger;
A Tigger's a wonderful thing.
Their tops are made out of rubber,
their bottoms are made out of spring
They're bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy,
fun, fun, fun, fun, fun,
The most wonderful thing
about Tiggers is:
I'm the only one!
Posted 09-02-2007 at 08:40 AM by Kyuss Apollo -
Posted 09-02-2007 at 03:03 PM by SharonDee -
Posted 09-02-2007 at 03:12 PM by livius drusus -
Posted 09-04-2007 at 05:24 PM by Stormlight -
Posted 09-07-2007 at 02:06 AM by curses -
Hey, I didn't even realize that anyone had commented till just now.
I was busy bouncing elsewhere I guess.
Kyuss: I love that song.
Sharon: Well, at least that's one of the world's confusions cleared up. Glad I could help.
liv: recent vintage indeed and a custom smilie to match!
Stormlight: I'm glad I could introduce you to the greatest bouncer on Earth, although I have to admit that
is a close contender.
curses: Thanks, and yep, it's all Watser?'s fault. Damn cheese mongering monkeh.Posted 09-09-2007 at 05:04 AM by Shelli
Updated 09-13-2007 at 04:42 AM by Shelli -
Posted 09-09-2007 at 05:20 PM by Watser?