Random recipes, ranting, and other various things that begin with "r".
Posted 09-28-2007 at 05:12 AM by viscousmemories -
Hehe. Coolio, good luck with that. I'm just about ready to take the SQL cert test, but I've run out of money. Hopefully I can get a job without it.Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:59 PM by viscousmemories -
See, that's the thing..I can build a computer and network, too. They just don't seem to believe me. Sometimes it makes me wonder if it's still a male-dominated field and they just think it's "cute" that I want to be in IT. (I've actually had that comment directed at me before. "Aww, cute. A girl that wants to be in IT. Can you hook up your own computer, hon?")
I'm, erm, "acquiring" a few training vids and a practice test now.Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:36 PM by curses -
The joys of TVP
Oh, cool. I have a toasted bagel with an egg, Morningstar sausage pattie and slice of American cheese (2% or non-fat) for breakfast just about every day.Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:35 PM by viscousmemories -
I have - I even bought an A+ study guide once upon a time. It was way too pc hardware specific for my tastes, though. I can build a computer and a network (I used to have the Novell CNE cert, but it's lapsed) but I can't tell you the voltage of a Pentium 4 chip and don't want to know!Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:30 PM by viscousmemories -
The joys of TVP
It's not too bad, just don't expect it to taste exactly like meatloafThat got me the first time.
Also, the Morningstar "Riblets" in the frozen food section are really yummy. They actually do taste a bit like ribs, they even have the same texture. I could live on them.Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:15 PM by curses -
Thanks, vm. I was questioning the MCSE because my ultimate goal would be Linux Admin. The other IT guy said it ran him about 7 grand for the MCSE here. I don't think that would be money well spent. Thanks for the MCTS link, I'll have a look through those. I see .NET and Exchange, and that might be useful.
Have you ever looked into the A+ cert, by any chance?Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:13 PM by curses -
The MCSE is a big bite to chew, and courses run in the multiple thousands of dollars. It might be worth getting, though. I dunno. You might also want to look into the new Microsoft "Technology Specialist" certifications. I'm studying for the SQL Server 2005 MCTS cert now.Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:07 PM by viscousmemories -
The joys of TVP
Wow, that looks really yummeh. My roomie is playing at vegetarianism - maybe I'll give it a go.Posted 09-24-2007 at 07:03 PM by viscousmemories -
More recipe goodness!
Oh, made this last night. It wasn't very good. It was definitely missing something, and the tempeh is gross to me. The coconut was too strong a flavor, and even with 4 thai chilies, was very bland. Scrap this one.Posted 09-24-2007 at 06:20 PM by curses -
Curses: Who is the hiring manager?
Home office guy: You are number six...
I hope this works out.Posted 09-22-2007 at 04:19 AM by Ymir's blood -
Thanks, you two. It was really odd. I spent last night laying out my resume in InDesign so it looked spiffy. I brought it in and gave it to the ops manager who passed it on to the person who sent the email around. Someone came around from home office today, and she thought he was the guy in charge of hiring, so she introduced me to him. Long story short, he's not the manager, but we got on very well. Hopefully he'll remember me and put in a good word.
I never did get to talk to the hiring manager, though. But he does have my contact infoPosted 09-22-2007 at 03:30 AM by curses -
Posted 09-21-2007 at 04:43 PM by Ymir's blood -
Yeah, I've been at my job for so long, I had forgotten all the crrrrap that goes with getting another one. When I was on sabbatical a fews years back I decided to test the waters and did a preliminary interviewed for a textbook company up in Massachusetts--I have a friend that works for them and he helped hook me up. When I ever finish my MA thesis I have a good prospect of landing a position with them, but the whole process of dusting off the old résumé and updating it and then the interview--ugh.
Good luck though curses! Trading in a temp slot for something actual is worth the pita of the résumé/interview rigmarole.Posted 09-21-2007 at 05:14 AM by Kyuss Apollo -
Monica Richards - Infrawarrior
I'll probably pick this up in the near future. Love her voice, though it goes better with the lush textures of FatM, IMO.Posted 09-15-2007 at 02:41 PM by Ymir's blood -
The joys of TVP
TVP. *gak* A long time ago in a land far, far away, where we were influenced by our Mormon neighbors, we purchased Perma-Pak food storage, a year's supply for three people. A few years later we were broke so we broke into the food storage. The beef flavor TVP was inedible as far as I'm concerned, the chicken flavor was little better. However, in consuming the chicken-flavored TVP, we discovered what McDonald's Chicken McNuggets are made out of, they're exactly the same, the bubbles in it, the flavor, etc., just not breaded and deep fried.Posted 09-12-2007 at 07:31 PM by Dingfod -
Oh dear. An empty blog.
No revelations.. fine, be that way. Bah!
And yes, that is a cute pic of you, curses.Posted 09-09-2007 at 05:29 AM by Shelli -
Oh dear. An empty blog.
It would probably be easierer to offer the short list of what music I'm NOT into, curses--opera, country, gangsta rap, smooth jazz. I'm not an opera fan mainly because I can't understand the words, though occasionally that doesn't matter and I am moved by the emotions evoked by the lyricism and talent of the singer despite having no idea what they're saying.
The last three categories I am loathe to even call categories, they are just repetitive, derivative, unoriginal and redundant. And I don't listen to top40/commercial radio at all, so whatever's on there I have no idea.
Everything else is generally OK in my book. I tend to gravitate/rotate through alternative guitar bands, techno/noise/ambient, classic rock/jam band, stoner/desert/psychedelic/shoegazer, grunge, speed metal, progrock, industrial, and then back to bebop, hard bop and fusion.Posted 09-09-2007 at 03:18 AM by Kyuss Apollo -
Oh dear. An empty blog.
I have been, Kyuss. I see Star Guitar up there and had my husband put on that album (well, everything but that first track, I HATE that one)
What sort of music are you into? I hover around punk/post-punk/goth...Posted 09-08-2007 at 06:50 AM by curses -
Oh dear. An empty blog.
I hope you have been regularly downloading the "track of the week" in my signature--it's my little way of recommending a particular artist--hearing is believing! I have been thinking about (though not doing much about) setting aside a portion of my blog to give a little more info about each track of the week (and maybe including a permanent link), though I usually include a ton of info in the ID3 tags...
And any suggestions you might have about interesting and tasty musical selections in your blog will be consumed from here with great delight.Posted 09-08-2007 at 06:34 AM by Kyuss Apollo