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Digital Darkroom

Posted 05-10-2008 at 09:58 PM by Ari

I know I said I would keep posting here, and I haven't forgotten.
So a couple photography related posts for the few people that read the blogs section.

Digital Darkroom

I have expressed dismay before about how digital is treated by the general public, how 'I did it in photoshop' has some bad connotations, including the idea that the effect is easy or the person is a bad photographer and how all of this isn't new to the world of photography.
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I read some of your foolish scree, then just skimmed the rest.
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Flying Update / Decision Point

Posted 04-29-2008 at 09:38 PM by Crumb (Cream of The Crap)

I've flown three times since my first flight. (Four total) I figured it was time for an update.

I practiced my turning a lot, did a little bit of following the tow plane while it was pretty straight, I half landed the last time (I didn't control the dive brake).

Out of all of that the towing was the most difficult. The glider slipped and slid around so much trying to keep it lined up and in the right position was very difficult.

I am learning a lot and...
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Posted 04-26-2008 at 10:34 AM by Skydin

What the fuck, everyone? Why is it everyone seems to be talking about killing themselves lately? Its probably just me, but it seems like on every forum I go to, someones discussing suicide in some form or another. Am I the only one bothered by this? Killing yourself isnt something to be talking about. Death isnt something I fear, but its not like killing yourself. I want to die after I've actually accomplished something and I want to die doing something worthwhile. Not in some cheezy, overly romanticised...
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My random thoughts for the day

Posted 04-18-2008 at 02:29 AM by biochemgirl

I was thinking on the way to work this morning...just when the hell did I become an adult? What the hell..I have a J-O-B. Not just a job but a career even! I have a mortgage, I have a car payment, I have bills to pay. I'm all like adult-y and I didn't even know it. Here I am just plugging away and I didn't even realize I'm like...*gasp*.... a grown up! O.k, o.k., not that I didn't know this...but realizing it is just another thing all together. It's not like I haven't been through enough..I...
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First Flight, part 2

Posted 04-15-2008 at 07:54 PM by Crumb (Cream of The Crap)

The take off is a bumpy ride down the grass runway. But it is very short. Before I know it the glider is rising. (But my stomach stays on the ground.) It lifts above the ground before the tow plane and the glider pilot has to keep down so as not to lift the planes tail and send it into the ground.

Once the tow plane starts to lift the glider things feel more solid. It is a nice time for me to look around and enjoy the experience, but for my instructor it is the most challenging part...
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