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This blows

Posted 11-11-2007 at 11:36 PM by biochemgirl

The husband will be leaving shortly after the holidays for his training, which right now is sitting at around 13-14 months. I am really really dreading him going. It sucks to live out here by myself, that and I've kinda grown attatched to the guy and miss him when he goes (the dogs aren't much for conversation). I know it could be much worse, that we've done much worse, but damn it, missing him is missing him period. We've also been told he will spend a good deal more time away each year just...
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In which I wonder...

Posted 11-07-2007 at 10:56 AM by curses (Curses! Foiled again!)

Is there a law that states that any sort of electronic device that makes a high pitched chirping noise to alert you to a low battery state always runs out of batteries between 12AM and 4AM? Cause nothing beats trying to figure out where the beeping's coming from at 3:30 in the morning.
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On the blogroll...

Posted 11-06-2007 at 05:55 AM by fragment (Fragmentation)

Tamino is a mathematician with an interest in climate science, he runs an excellent blog where he posts lucid introductions and analysis of some climate science issues. I've learned quite a bit from reading it.

Check out this recent post, it's a clear introduction to time series analysis, and in particular about how to use statistics to determine if there are trends in temperature data. I'd recommend the earlier parts to anyone who wants an understanding of what a trend is and isn't,...
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It begins...

Posted 11-05-2007 at 06:29 AM by fragment (Fragmentation)

I finally decided to take the plunge.

For the last few ideas I've been toying with the idea of returning to University, 15 years after I quit part-way through a philosophy degree. Now I've decided the time is right, and, starting next February, I'll be relocating to Dunedin and beginning the University of Otago's ecology programme.

The registration pack arrived in the mail today. I'm both excited and daunted. It's been quite some time since I was in tertiary education,...
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Adventure List

Posted 11-04-2007 at 12:55 AM by wildernesse

A few years ago, I made up a list of 100 adventures that I want to have in my life. I'm mentioned it a couple of times recently, and right now I don't have a good link to it because my blog is under construction. (My usual blog, not this one.)

Anyway, I am currently doing a 30 X 30 challenge for my adventures. Thirty adventures by the time I am 30, which will be in 2009. The adventures that are in italics are ones that have been completed, so you can see that I need to get cracking...
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